御宅族教主的迷思 3-霸道之終焉
「御宅族」自「電車男」成功後便浮上水面,一時成為潮流用語,但我必須重申,我沒意把什麼人定義為「御宅族」,要當「御宅族」是閣下的自由。 如果認為簡簡單單喜愛動畫的人就等於「御宅族」的話大可跳過這個不看,但如果閣下認為岡田斗司夫的定義才算是「御宅族」,那麼各位有想過當中的含意或者要跟著做嗎?
他們要的工作是要解讀動畫,要是沒有了「動畫」這個前題,他們評不了。「御宅族」的工作是要釋破了其中所有符號後,來個地毯式的歷史評論,然後以此為正統,希望人們用這個「正統」來欣賞這部大作,其他的角度皆為「匪偽」。要是創作人稍為「離經背道」,就像初出「機動武鬥伝時」時便大加鞭撻,因為作品不是UC GUNDAM,不用米加粒子,更沒有了新類型人等設定,他們不容許超出他們知識守備範圍外的作品。簡言之,他們是在為把動畫當作一門學科來研究。
「不夠格」的「御宅族」經過長間找尋訓練的結果,便是比外界用更多時間來看動畫,最後「進化」到只會從動畫一方面來吸取養份,也只懂得從動畫一個媒界看世界,迫於無奈遠離其他媒體。 生產商也看準了這一點,「宅向」動畫便應運而生。好聽一點是向前作致敬,不好聽的就是照抄前作動畫橋段,無他,因為只有這些,「目標觀眾」才會明白。
為了協助這些「御宅族」做「考証」,一大票近乎騙錢的精品便成為了「御宅族」的至愛,加上一堆又一堆的設定集,岡田「有著高度搜尋參考資料能力的人」這個有錢的便做到了;「對映像創作者所提示的暗號,一個也不漏的加以解讀與研究」在一堆又一堆官方設定集和網上論壇上的協助「用時間」又做到了;最後只要「加些少時間copy and paste」寫一篇不用花什麼「心思分析」的史料來表達「永不滿足的向上心和自我表現欲」又做到了,撈過「御宅族」教主封號也絕不是什麼難事,於是動畫橋段用來用去,為的就是來滿足這班人,動畫創作最後無奈淪為地獄式輪迴,成為了小眾的娛樂。
【唯心論】御宅族和隱蔽青年的分別 作者:阿唯
《動漫線》04年12月號-有山楓遇害事件有感──反思御宅 作者:惠康
-御宅族迷動漫電玩 繭居網世界
御宅族教主的迷思 2-教主的條件
令人無言以對﹐方能稱之為「絕」文﹔小澤大師這篇大作令百多二百名讀者啞口無言﹐無人敢增損一字﹐看來都算是絕品一篇了 ^_^;
現在的所謂御宅(尤其是萌系御宅)很多時候只是吸收ACG帶來的五官刺激,較好的亦只能比較深切體會作品所載的觀點和故事性;然而實際用心研究作品產出的編寫觀感與人分享的卻是少之又少= ="
P.S: 狂寫《「萌系御宅」與「戀愛資本主義」之抗爭》中0_0"
BLOG– http://blog.goo.ne.jp/qooalex83
暫時寫了第1部分 =3=
詳見BLOG– http://blog.goo.ne.jp/qooalex83
1. 外表金錢至上主義戀愛與其謬誤
2. 戀愛兩極化的原因和現状
3. 二次元的「萌」真的能足以取代三次元恋愛嗎?
4. 總結
(1.) 萌系御宅族三次元戀愛之閉塞與其謬誤
Otakus can be treated as Advanced Generations resemble that in Pocket Monster AG. In universities, many otakus are found in fields of cultural studies and sociology, since these subjects provides otakus with a myriad of analytical tools, such as the cocepts of ID, EGO and SUPEREGO.
By the way, for otakus, the etymology of "OJA" in an Anime, Ojamajo Doremi (1999-2004) is worth studying.
sorry, since I have repeated my post due to too quick an entering step.
If we allow derivatives of the definitions of otakus into a new set of ideology, proposing a concept of otakuism to reverse the derogatory trend against otakus maybe a good practice. In order to do so, we need to:
1. classify the samples of otakus seriously;
2. study the flows of otakus;
3. eliminate fuzzy interjections towards otakus, such as deleting the domain of "hermit teens" from the definitions of otakus to avoid the wanton association of ignorant social workers.
4. more academic researches (publishing textbooks teaching ignorant guys of inspecting and investigating the context and philosophy of otakus and anime maybe neccessary, regardless its formalness;
5. Comparision between anime and reality.
eg: otakus VS 女王的教室
Here I want to supplement a point regarding "otakus VS 女王的教室":
In 女王的教室, Ms. Maya (亞久津真矢), loosly speaking (i.e. take the domain of otakusim beyond anime) is a female otakus because she is feverish in education, having a sense of achievement and, the most important of all, spirit of study (研究精神). However, her GTO-like act is somehow bizzare and hard to understand, i.e. she has complex ideologies.
In summary, allow me to redefine otaku: Any specialist who have the spirit of study. To incorporate with confusiainism (so as to prevent MK bitches or/and bastards from calling themselves otakus and act wantonly), the spirit of introspection should also be introduced. In fact, I will be a freshmam sociologist so I will behave like Okada Toisho to teach others revolutionary otakuism with certain degree of cyanism.
[b]1. [/b]
In 2007 HKASL E Section B #2 today, these is a question like this:
[u]Last year, you took part in an overseas cultural exchange programme. One objective of the programme was to introduce some characteristics of your own culture to students from other countries. Another objective was to learn how practice in other culture differ significantly from yours. You found this experience rewarding and you want to share what you learned with your fellow students.
Write an article for your school magazine describing one or two features of your culture that you focused on and explain why. Also describe how the feature(s) you choose differ(s) from what happens in other culture.[/u]
I choose to contrast Japanese otakuism (using the definition I have produced) with Chinese confucianism, followed by otaku stereotypes with the issues of ijimes and wanton overgeneralization. Is these any problem in writing such?
[b]2. [/b]
Yes. PC is a good rule to rectify bad ideologies. Associating otakuism with professionalism is good so that there exist more mode of profession, i.e. studying animes can now be treated as another respectful "job".
In terms of gender studies, males prefer materialistic collections while females prefer human-relationship hegemony. (Moe) Otakus manifests this difference, as many of their ordinary counterpart females are pursuing maturity (eg: MK港女潮流文化. This make moe otakus a little bit childish. To what extent do you indentify with this?
Note: You haven't reply the message below yet =.=
看看那些 moe otakus, 還不是買一大堆FIGURE,海報,電腦遊戲, 雖滿口都是什麼「純愛」,但那也只有單向而己, 所謂的互動都十居其九在[b]可預期,可控制[/b]的範圍之內, 這等同小朋友玩超合金,手中的超合金永遠是最強, 飛天遁地無所不曉, 直至另一新歡出現為止…..
That means, in terms of sociology, moe otakus are fond of [b]McDonloadization[/b] (measurable, controllable[b] predicable[/b]) with respect to consumption. They have strong sense of materalistic (binary) possession but lack initiatives in real world. The contrary happens to okadaian otakus, me too. Okadaian otaku (i.e. otakus who follow the style of okada toisho) are making every endeavor to improve their plightful situations of being discriminated, either by means of teitary anime production or theorization (i.e. making critics), which needs information-orientated initiatives I believe that you are with my line as okaadaian otakus too. AS to females, Human-relationship hegemony pinpoints their love-capitalisitc privatization of human capitals, which resemble the behaviour of 港女 (i.e. vain, picky, greedy). What okadaian otakus needs to do is contributing to frontier social science apart from their studies on anime issues (issue = liberal studies) and have some influence toward the ignorant, autrhority-resorting general public. What do you think?
Further reading from Format ACG:
In my UE Section B script I referred 單一價值觀 (monotonic set of values) and 群體排他性 (ijime) to explain why otakus in Japan are discriminated while otakus in Hong Kong are overgeneralized by associative-thinking (關聯式思考). 宮崎事件 is also cited.
First of all, thank you for your advice as to the nomenclature of otakus. Here is some supplementary points:
First, I call myself as a otaku by its loose definition – mania. Actually, I am regared as a game otaku only who has been writing 100 pages strategy thesis (as a project without cheat codes) on simcity in 馮漢柱資優教育中心 (although my IQ = 135 amd EQ=80 by rigorous governement psychologist checking during my P6 life, many counterpart in the centre (which is in Tsuen Wan, now being a HKEAA scanning and marking centre) has IQ and EQ > 140)Then, I realise that the etymology of otaku is rather dark, and there needs some revolutionist to reverse the bleak trend of otakuism, so I start calling myself as (pseudo) okadaian otaku (假借岡田之名,卻行全新社會階級之意) since F.5 writing theory about society (so you may call me a social science otaku, I don't mind since, true, the definition and the stertotype of scholars is different from japanese otaku,) Currently I am interested in gender difference, and find this subtle dynamic relationship appliable in discoursing anime. Also, I realize that the general public has wrongful stereotype towards anime, and there need a academic way to instill correct and positive (political correct) frontier concepts to them. So I resolved to be a liberal studies teacher and set my career as HKEAA subject master.
I understand the reason why you hate being classified as otaku – owing to its bad stereotype and the timid attitude toward trinary world (三次元世界), and what okada toisho has said is merely a rosy wishful thinking and neoliberal elitism (sort of eugenics). In fact, okada is but a cast in anime production. He even don't have the title of master in sociology, so he lack authority (general public like resorting to authority) and academic influence. Many studies in otaku tend to be infotainment instead of classic interpertation of textbooks. In fact, [b] academizing otakuism is the only way to overturn pundit's criticism and discrimination against decent otakus [/b] To what so-called "otaku" watching H (ecchi) things, let them stoop and die, but other okadaian otaku need to criticize and even exclude them (degrade them to moe class, not debase them). I truely believe that the reason why otakus are currently discriminated is NOT only due to ethnicity, but also the 苟且偷安, nonconfronting attitude toward everything. No wonder some feminist call their name as hikikimori!
The answer is both. In fact, to further assess whether choice 2 is valid, ask him why. An okadaian otaku (albeit carrying some moe characters) should explain, refute, introduce and/or rationalize his behaviour with cynical mood and without difficulty. If not, he is only a mediocre.
What is the difference between 動畫迷 and otakus? 動畫迷 (anime fans) are enjoying anime, while otakus, according to my definition, bear more tough tasks. They need to contribute to everything like the contributers in wikipedia. Moreover, otaku is a sort of profession with a difference. [b]Currently original otakus are classified as cast in anime production writing critics, while neglecting the acadmic ones, i.e. teachers who specialize in anime writng textbooks.[/b] So, as a otaku, I need to adapt to the transient society by adpoting different approach to study. Here comes some style in my writing. Issue-inquiring approach in liberal studiesfor project learning, and problem-solving approach in secondary school pure science reference book, are methods of analysis that most of the otakus are never used. Also, I have reinvented further method of analysis which can be applied to all fields of studies: Konoacoustic analysis (relating sound to biophysics), Ojalytics (using the concept of Hentaicity, i.e. extent of preference changes to explain the ideology flow), Script Programming (annotations), Doremotional Aanysis (classification of flow and concepts), Technical Aanlysis (a method of packaging new theory), critical analysis (臨界分析, for textual analysis), and Integrated analysis (a method of compiling textbooks). So you may say that I call myself as otakus because of career ambition, not due to fonding of animes. To me, anime is only second to my theory.
In sum, otakus need to be:
1. original (plagiarism kills creativity) (same as your article)
2. introspective (confucianism, meaning willingness to improve) (diferent name but in meaning, same as your article)
3. wise )[b]they need not to be elites, have enough IQ to sell their points[/b[) (they need to be distinguished)
4. spiritual in study (as a driving force for their hobby) (same as your article)
5. academically versatile while caring about society (different from your article) (in my definition otakus are bound to be sociologist, pyschologist, journalist and teachers)
6. sensitive to risk (different from your article, since otakus nowadays need to be decent)
7. impartial (since their critics need to be seamless without any partiality/ one-sidedness)
8. skillful (have their own strategies of organizational behaviours)
9. communicative (derived from okada's theory) (In my theory called aikolistatics, otakus are compete ispectors with reducible transitional surplus, i.e. they need to be omniphies interesting in everying as ordinary girls, trying to be deliberate, caring and emotional)
10. observant (scientific thinking)
11. Willing to do research and development
12. bearing virginity (童真) (i.e. they should be [b]resistive to hegeomony and hypocrisy[/b] from partiality and pundits)
Pure amd simple, my existence is to turn otakuism as transdiscipline studies, and reform the teacher by creating my thoery, OJA STUDIES. You can assess the syllabuse outline in my blog (Note both syllabuse A and B). (Am I rebellious enough?)
Now the otakuism is differentiated and biased. Once otakuism are prevalent in secondary school social science (arts stream) textbooks, the positive otakuism can be integrated. I believe the time will come some day.
a typo in my message below:
ispectors ==> i[b]n[/b]spectors
By the way, in mathematic worlds and even social science, anaylsis is going to replace synthesis. Analysis (eg: classification) is men's strength while synthesis (eg: gossips) is women's strenght. Synthesis in reality involve partiality while analysis requires objectiveness. So, as a corollary, otakus being discriminated is as a result of feminism and love-capitalism in which women who are aggressive have teen making every endeavor, including deploying pan-moral pundits, to maintain their monotonic set of values to facilitate their oligrachy of human-relationships by [b]gossips[/b].[b] The reason behind is the lack of communication between otakus and the ordinary girls.[/b] Moe otakus currently lack anaylsis so they cannot overcome discrimination against them. For some okadaian otakus including me, some cues about current otakuism has been found:
1. [b]Rigorous proof of otakus is not formulated yet[/b];
2. It is hard to serve an egoistic female;
3. Moe otakus is inter sexaully interdependent while women are intersexually independent, since many of them are not willing to be married while maintaining the friendly relatinship among the same sex;
4. Unlike Americans who respect indivualism, The general public ignore otakus' specific needs and thoughs. i.e. there exist strict moral controls as to how otakus are behaved;
5. Following-suit and resorting to authority is aikolidynamically feasible, i.e. saving transaction cost (in terms of economics), in asian countries, since they treat an individual as a member of families; (refer to family of straight lines in locus problems XD)
6. Japanese anime mainly consists of gundam series and magic girl series; however, japaneses like to teast male audiece who like magic girl series because they treat famales as as an inferior class. Therefore, moe otakus are bound to be discriminated;
7. Japanese pundits are "mobilizing(修理)" moe otakus only;
8. The foci of interest between otakus and girls are different (okadaian otakus need diginity, moe otakus need sex, girls need pragmatic interest from relationships);
9. japanese like doujin things rather than original though, unless you have enough identity in social stratra.
In fact, the loose classfication ot otakus is many, like the one attacted in 網址 in the title of my name.
True, like genius, otakus are being called rather than calling themselves. But before this is valid to be happened the definition of otakus must be settled. Since not settled yet, so sayings 咦?上述的中年胖男子,那會是OTAKU呀?can still be treated as an issue rather than a ironic fact.
a typo again:
indivualism==> indvidualism
Here I invented a proof of otaku:
1. If he is a mania, he is NOT an otaku unless he has a mibition apart from interesting in animes
2. If he is ambitious, he is NOT an otaku unless he has spirit of introspection
3. If he is introspective, he is NOT an otaku if he is a hypocrite;
3. If he is NOT hypocrtical, he is a otaku iff he is observant and have spirit of study.
So, NOT all teachers are otakus under the loose definition, especially when they are pundits who treat otauk=kidult. ALL girls who like gossips are hypocrites even if she likes BL and Welcome to NHK!. ALL moe otakus who lose egos in the pursue of binary love is no longer callec otaku (they are mere perverted anime fans) NOT all 創作系 otakus are true otakus if they are money-orientated (=hypocrisy), NOT all 情報系 otaku are true otakus if they don't know the mechanic of speaking (i.e. introspection) so that they make the general public misinterpret them; NOT all 消費系 otakus are true otakus if they only know how to satisfy their wants (i.e. lack introspection); NOT all 變裝系 otakus are true otakus if they treat cosplay as a means of human-relationship hegemony (i.e. hypocrisy).
> 現在事實就是otaku的定義各門各派都有極大差異, 如果數現在似乎「一般消費派」更壓倒地多喔,恕我悲觀, 現在OTAKU這個字已等同一般動畫狂迷, 要講正面, 除非你不是「otaku」
Oh I see, so alternative to being otakus, I can be a sociologist who bear more authoritarian power. Okada Toisho is NOT a sociology, although there exist some Japanese sociologist who support his theory. I am sure, when I gain fame in academic field, I must rewrite the definite meaning of otakuism. This can be done simply by applying the theory of stratarification in sociology and field theory to say that otakus are new social class in social stratum(階級). Then under the principle of communism otakus are ideologists. The author of a book, 老鼠咬大米, has even treat confucious as a otaku because not only he is "spiritual", but be has his own style. Actually, we may reinvent the image of otakus as stylistologists.
> 至於otaku怎樣可以和外界溝通, 三個字 「 OPEN THE DOOR」~當發覺得動畫不是唯一,那就有得搞了
Yes. I am doing in this way, as animation is second to my career ambition. Otakus nowadays need to read through their egos, relatives and even the mass media as their mirrors. My schoo's whole computer club member as IT otakus always read BBC, CNN, mingpao, Hong Kong Economics Time (English Street), Singtao daily and Appledaily. I seldom play games or watch comics/animes due to academic pressure, but CL&C, liberal studies and sociology really inspired me as to how otakus can be evolved. Ancient otakus are insensitive to current issues and only interested to anime, but now their apathic attitude must change or they will be supercede by pan-moral punits who discriminate them and even love-capitalised feminist who wants infinits human relationship hegemony. According to my reading habits, there are some books and magazines otakus must read:
1. Time magazine and Time Express
2. The Economist
3. Newsweek
4. Fortune
5. 明報月刊
6. 香港文學
7. 亞洲週刊
8. 龍應台 and 陶傑 's book
9. Books about confucianism (唯女子與小人難養也 XD), cultural studies (inc. 吳偉明), psychologist (who often treat otakus as EASY (思覺失調)), sociology (the social worker of which ofte tread otakus as hikikomori, NEETS and DINKS)
I wanna add my view into wikipedia otakus page but ignorant western manias deleted them and allege them as oroginal research. The ban of original research is indeed a stupid policy who block diversity of otakuism. In fact, the westerns wanna hegemonize their view as copyright hegemony. Current otakus need to breakthough this barrier by BT even more XD……
An typo:
infinits==> infinite
I am going to wrire a textbooks about otakuism and incorporate them in anime discourses. What to you think of the following draft of introduction?:
In OJA STUDIES Technical Analysis is to package a theory. Here various doremotions in the Anime system is discoursed using the framework of Technical Analysis. Similar to the study in Finances, analysis in anime can be classified as fundamental one or technical one, which bears different expository functions. Technical Analysis is incorporated with various methodologies of analysis in and beyond OJA STUDIES.
Anime is a popular term in the cultural studies. Its existence has been an entertainment, and its history is once an economic boosting spring in Japan. However, due to lack of academizaton of Anime system, the general public take playful attitude toward animes, which is different form what otakus, a new social stratum thinks. Otakus are hardcore in Anime System and they have more or less influence to the whole anime ecosystem. The anime culture is quite complex in Japan, and it sometimes involve ecchi and violent contents, Due to the selective taste of otakus toward these things, otakus in Japan are being discriminated. Apart from this, early Japanese anime system mainly consists of and developed from magic girls series and Gundum series, recently kuso series and gal series (which contain lolita, service, moe characters, etc) are also added due to the existence of otakus since late 1970s, the booming stage of Japanese Economy. The introspective trend in the aftermath of 90s Japanese economic downturn has forced the whole anime to evolve. The Otaking, Okada Toisho, and its anime production, EVA, in 1996, has revolutionize the whole anime system from S.F-kei to moe-kei. All in all, the phenomena in Japanese animation system influence other similar systems including Hong Kong.
Think about it
1. Why do you like anime? Is it due to funny, entertaining elements, or your own career ambition?
2. What is your opinion about theorizing ACG (Anime-Comic-Game) System?
3. What is otakuism? Is it worth studying in sociology or even in the interdisciplinary fields?
4. Are you afraid of taking animes in public? Why or why not? Is hegemony involved in that?
5. How to you collect your anime accessories? Is there a systematic way to organize them?
What do you think about the following theory?
About 「論點,論証,論據」三段式:
Although I am an okadaian otaku too, I don't use this method. Instead, I have my own method to operate on anime: 「分類,樣本研究,流程分析,意識型態運用,議題探索」五層式. This method does not demand internal knowledges of animes such as its historical setting, but demand the interdiscipline association in that. First, classification of animes is actually an taxomony which can be treated as a real science which otakus can do. Second, sample analysis is not a statistical method but merely a textual analysis, the target of which is not to support one's stance (証實知己的見解正確) but for research and service to others, not mainly of otaku's own interest (在動畫中找到喜好的東西). i.e. otakus, according to my theory of technical analysis (similar to finance), are acting a [b]communicative bridge[/b] to the outsider of anime. In the course of sample analysis the anime-reality relationship has to be discovered. Third, flow analysis deals with abstract concepts such as calculus and preference changes in microeconomics. i.e. By flow analysis scholar-degree knowledge has to be possessed by otaku. That' s why okada toisho call otakus has "有著頂尖能力的新人類,有高超的搜尋能力和解讀能力" but he even do not have the skill (since he is NOT a versatile sociologist). Fourth, doremotional applications, or equivalently saying, ideological applications, explores (NOT argue) the possible ideologies appears in an animes such as feminism, lolicons, kuso and education. Thus, for my part, an ideal otaku is to write a objective-type graduation thesis rather than simply subjective critics. That's how academization of otakuism can be achieved. Finally, issue-inquiring approach in liberal studies is applied to otakus such that they must use their practical skiils/integrated analysis to handle reality problems associated with animes. Such training of though is enough to make otakus professional.
They are those who are always doing fundmental analysis of anime telling what scenic points an anime has. They simply have enough BT resources but privatized them, i.e. watch anime only to expand their own ego and thus they are but hypocrites. They are prone to consumption. This defy the definition of okadaia otaku. Sometimes they may be productive, but actually they are counter-productive because they lack framework of analysis. To me, if you do not intent to be a versatile scholar, GET LOST FROM THE OTAKU WORLD! A real otaku should be independent of watching anime and have their own style of view as the division of labour. Acutally they need not read all th e scenic points in order to make a subjective critics, instead they should try their best to grasp the leitmotiv of an animes and try to present their dor(sal)-emotions objectively like compiling a A-grade report.
[u]A study question:[/u]
Read the statement below:
What should be a okadaian do, either one or both?
Both. According to the pentalogy of analysis in my theory, the foruth rule, ideological applications should be done in action. An okadaian otaku should try to explain what enviourmental proection values does a movie "spirited away" has to the general public. According his own interest, he may explore as many scenic points in the movie as many as possible, BUT NEVER INTENT TO PRIVATISE THEM TO EMOTIVE AND PARTIAL OPINION. They should talk de-facto facts, not self-promotion. Otherwise, otakus may be despised.
Finally, there are some points to be amended:
1. 「永不滿足的向上心和自我表現欲」 should be altered as "have a urge to achieve self-actualization"
2. 「有著高度搜尋參考資料能力的人」 should be "information-seeking greeds" instead of really doing researches and developments for 「不夠格」
3. 「對映像創作者所提示的暗號,一個也不漏的加以解讀與研究」 should be referred as "cheking the marking scheme of a pastpaper without really practised them" instead of "interpretation and derivation of ideologies " for 「不夠格」
> 看友情動畫感動,那就和朋友多點出來聚會,
Then you prefer associative thinking. No doubt, this is [b]fundermentalism.[/b] i.e. You perfer fundamental writing rather than technical writing. You afraid of technical writing becuse you afraid that otakus, if being so, will have no time to do another practical thing apart from studying animes. In fact, you are trapped by one pessimistic assumption: otakus doing studying in animes non-stop — it is virtually inpossible. First, Otakus may have their own decent career apart from animes, Second, otakus have another interests and they will try their best to strike a balance between them. I believe a true okadaian otaku is a pragmatist, i.e. they hide their true identity in advert time and possess normal identity in order to do other things.
Do their other duties, i.e. if they are student, continue with their study; if they are professionals, care about their jobs and family relationships.
如果跟據你的OTAKU理論,OTAKU真的會跑去研究和討論,研究要幾耐才叫透切? 天曉得但時間卻花了,而我相信作者不是要這些,是要你付諸「行動」去做,當然騙錢作另計。
A balanced otakus will do research step-by-step, not non-stop. If I would type my otaku thesis without even sleeping, that would be a practical joke. As to the extent of research, otakus should bear a motto "I already try my best, I have no regret at all" and stop what should be stopped if no further development can be made anymore.
> [b]動畫怎看也只是娛樂[/b],動畫中的情節,人物關係和技術,講得如何高深,也難免是[b]偽科學[/b]的一種,唯一真實,是當中「帶出的訊息」,OTAKU之所以被看輕,給人覺得不成熟,其中就是太過投入,[b]以為真的可以利用動畫中的世界設定來看世界[/b],投入到不能抽身影響了現在生活。
Dangerous! Your view may incur critcism from anime cast and otakus!
You are under a stereotype that "otaku only read from anime" which lead to misguiding conclusion. Acutally, people like okada toisho read a variety thing from reality adn their perspective in animes originate from perspectives in realty. As to Current domestic otakus viewing their own word by anime, don't be distracted – they are just the formula of writing a substandard , subjective critics of fundamental analysis, not really their attutides towards the world. If a scholar view their own world by only sociological figures, not only does their thesis written are rosy pictures but also impractical. [b]Otakus make reference to and with respect to reality. Without this step, they are not said to be 投入 but only 迷失. [/b]
By the way, [b]Animes is a visual art and visual liteature according to recent researches in liberal study. [/b]So your view "anime=entertainment" will becomes a outmoded stereotype. Never behave like girls who perfer overgeneralization by stereotypical thinking which bear partiality. A independent thinker – no only otakus – should be critical enough to look things in broad perspectives. Never trying to set limits to your thinkng mode otherwise your view will be partial. If art=entertainment, no one will care about its cultural implication so the form of art will be deminished by entertainment some day since cultural heritages are lost. [b]Mature [/b]otakus, or alternatively, geniune anime casts, are doing cultural heritages trying to discover and preserve as many cultural values as possible. You will understand this importance if you have chance to study cultural studies in university.
偽科學? Then you neglect a importance thing in scientific thinking, especially for maths: [b]deductive thinking.[/b] 「帶出的訊息」is a form of intuitive thinking which is not the core component of science. Any science should involve deduction under given facts. They are referred as inference. The improvement of technology is the result of deduction. So you may say anime is not a [b]pure science[/b] (social science), but the study of which is by no means pseudo-sciece. If social sciences are even pseudo-sciences, the physiological foundation of psychology which has biological importance to medicine, will become invalid and this contradict the fact that physiology is a pure science.
Get it?
I have seen their articles since they are my netfriends.
Up to here, the theoretical discussion about "What is otakuism" "How is otakuism" are enough. Maybe let's talk about the practical side of "Why is otakuskm".
In reality otakus are being discriminated. The reason of which are summarized below:
1. Monotonic set of values
Having monotonic set of values save transaction cost according to the preference theory of microeconomics. Also, the general public like to resort to authority. So the authority, like the prestigious scholar, dominate the definitional ideologies of otakus. Since after 1989, the mass media including popular magazine, Newsweek and Time, take pessmistic view to otakus, otakus are debased to perverts. Actually, the monotonic set of values is a form of majority-play games. To overthrow it new generation of otakus needs to have multiple registers, i.e. they need to be frontier scholars to rewrite such ideologies.
2. Feminism.
Emotive Females have infinite wants of human-relationship hegemony. They tends to play distractive allusions to protect their own egos driving others wantonly. They are said to be highly emotive. They also have infinite wants of materials and powers as their egos expands. This leads to love-capitalism. The existence of such form of feminism is a form of "the survival of fitness", the ultimate aims of which is to weed out 和而不同 males including otakus to monopolize the ideologies. This is said to be oligarchy of human-relationship.
3. Overgeneralization.
Hikikomori and otakus are hard to distiguish and easily overgeneralized by the general public, especially in China and Japan where intuitive thinking are abused.
4. Inferior Groups.
Females are said to be inferior in Japan. Hence, otakus who wanna be females by means of cosplays are teased and excluded by others.
What is otakuism? It is a ideological studies of the relationship and phenomena between otakus and society – a frontier social science in sociology.
Back to the classification of otaku again, here is a practical problem as a testing ground of my new theory.
I like Rozen Maiden, Comet-san and Ojamajo Doremi. But I am NOT a moe otaku. Why?
The reason is easy. According to my theory of doremotion, inspectors who like dorakonic (i.e. non-emotional ) components such as music retain its analytical mind while inspectors who like dorekonic (i.e. emotional) components such as the character's appearance tends to be differentiated by other's ideology. So a musician can never be moe. That is, whether a otaku is moe or not is determined by his orientation of interest. If he is technology orientated, such as the usage of Photoshop, he cannot be moe otaku although he draw CGs of female characters. i.e. He can be a ordinary anime fans. In fact, many anime fansm especially male, is easily influenced by dorakonic things such as material and music melodies while MK ones who touch bitches much perfer to dorekonic ones. So some moe "otakus" are actually bitch-liking MK bastards! If one like purely dorakonic things, he is said to have okadaian character, i.e. high IQ.
(MY IQ=135 as I like music rather than CG)
In corollary, the identity of a otaku depends on his IQ (and thus his preference)
The following is the theory behind communicative bridge of an otaku
The.re are many alternative methods of inspection of otakus. According to okada's theory, otakus have outputs. But it contradict that normal anime fans can also write anime critics. Therefore, okada's theory can only explain the ideal framework of otakuism. To remedy this, a new theory proposed by me is invented for the discriminant of a real otaku as to the writing style between normal anime fans and otakus.
Otakus are nothing special but socially independent stylistologists such that their styles are different from anime fans albeit their interests are the same. Heence, only by inspecting the writing style can we identify a otaku from the crowd for the following use (so don't say that the calling of otaku is useless):
1. Employment of anime cast
2. Excavation of cultural heritage
3. Resource-backing for liberal studies
4. Discoursing ACG Systems
I have many newbie theories in OJA STUDIES, some of which are useful in the field of otakuism, they are namely:
A. Classification of doremotions
(note: doremotion is defined as dorsal side of emotion, i.e. any ideologies of emotions that can be partitioned into emotional and rational components)
B. Doremotional-Technical Theory (also known as DT Theory)
C. Differentiated-General Thoery (also known as DG Theory)
D. Principle of Technical Anaysis (i.e. the contrast between Fundamental writing and Technical writing)
By theory A, doremotions can be classified as dorakonic ones (i.e. independent of emotions) and dorekonic ones (i.e. dependent of emotions). Ordinary anime fans are emotive such that their writing style tends to be lyrical and according to Functional Theory in sociology, their writing function is to socialize with others. For example, they may write a HKCE level composition or prose about the beauty of binary character or feelings. So their behaviours and essays are said to be dorekonic. Otakus specailize in material properties such as musics and sketching technology of CGs, so their writing style tends to be analytical and according to Objective Approach in methodology, their writing fuctions is to discourse and explain to others like writing expository textbooks. For example, they may dissect the melodical patterns and formulae of ACG songs or giving a detailed account of ACG settings. So their behaviours and essays are said to be dorakonic.
By theory C, ordinary anime fans comprehend doremotions of animes by intuitive generalization while otakus do so by deductive differentation. For example, ordinary otakus tends to summarize the properties of a cartoon characters before giving comments while otakus tends to carry out classification and inference of symbols as a method of scientific thinking.
The following theories are applied when they are ACTUALLY writing critics:
By theory B, normal anime fans care more about [b]dorekonic doremotional flows[/b] (流程), i.e. the storyline, continunity and development of animes, while otakus care more about [b]technical flows[/b] such as abstract flow concepts (eg: Coase Thorem 高斯定理) in microeconomics), production flow, direction flow (i.e. components of an anime) and [b]dorakonic doremotional flows (e.g.. the musical combination as a function 函數 of time)[/b]. Generally speaking, normal anime fans extract doremotions easily because the doremotions from their cared flow are directly available, while otakus extract doremotional with difficulty because they need external reference.
By theory D normal anime fans are fundamental writers, i .e. they write basic level of critics in simple format. What they do is simply to comment on storylines and accessorites products (eg: CD/DVD) and values of an animes. Surely a otaku can do so because it is a rudimentary step of writing. Otakus can have more variation of critics writing, e.g. in forms of proposal, report, thesis, etc. and they concentrate more on technology, montages, techniques and concepts. Their writing are said to be technical because their aim is to extract and [b]parse[/b] doremotions from academized media. Many of such techincal writing are commonly found in academic fields.
reference: http://www.cuhkacs.org/~benng/Bo-Blog/read.php?590
P l e a s e cancel 字數或字眼限制 as my messages are quite long so that I need to divide them into several components
(I don't know why brackets and the word p l e a s e are banned)
accessorites ==> accessories.
No further replies this time …. =.=
By the way, I am preparing a subject called OJA STUDIES which will be a virtual HKCE/HKAL subject some day. This subject is especially designed for otakus and discriminate against MK bitches and bastards which are the enemy of otakus.
In this subject, candidates are required to study the following general (G) and differentiated (D) animes:
1. Doraemon (G) and its related series of the author
2. Ojamajo Doremi (D) and its related series of Toei Animation
3. Pokemon (G) and its related series of TV Tokyo
4. Digimon (D)
5. Comet-san (D) and its related series of the author
6. McMug and McDull (D)
7. O Master Q (G)
8. Keroro (D) and its related series of Sunrise
9. FullMetal Alchemist (D)
10. Tsubasa Reseriour Chronicle (D) and its related series of the author and NHK
11. Disney Cartoon Series (G)
12. Black Jack (D) and its related series of the author
13. Rozen Maiden (D) and its related series of TBS and author
In the examination various doremotional questions are asked. For example:
What is the relationship between Political-Correct (P.C.) and Sister Princess?
Can you answer it?
If you find the problem above difficult, you lack okadaian character. In fact, the answer is not straight forward. [u]Reverse thinking[/u] is required, [b]i.e. you need to explain how sister princess is politically incorrect[/b]:
1. Sister princess advocate one-to-many loves, which contradicts one-to-one love mode;
2. Sister princess plays uniformal attraction and loliconism, which contradicts moral values.
Many MK guys are tricked by the word "correctness" without realizing the properties of animes. So this questions prove a fact again: to be an otaku high IQ is required. That is what current mass media neglects. In fact, if the mass media realize such, the concept of otakuism would have been extended to all walk of lifes.
If you always visit my blog you will find that I always call myself as a complete to[u]i[/u]toise, i.e. a complete inspector (NOT to[u]r[/u]toise!) According to my theory, otakus are complete toitoises having reducible transitional surplus, i.e. they are willing to share in public with comprehensive minds. Their ideologies are said to be complex as their eegos are hard to understand. [u]so love-capitalized feminists and pan-moral are unable[/u] and thus will not waste time [u]to understand them[/u], thus creating discrimination against otakus.
Apart from writing style, the attutide towards a song is also useful in discriminating otakus from normal anime fans.
Listening to the following songs:
1. tsubasa007.myweb.hinet.net/tsubasa-movie_op_aerial_fft93.Mp3
If he is obsessed with the non-normative melodical changes, he is a okadaian otaku
2. tsubasa007.myweb.hinet.net/tsubasa_movie_jyasumin_fft93.mp3
If he is obsessed with the female vocal, he is a moe otaku
Further proof:
3. doraemonserv.googlepages.com/01.mp3
If one could conceive a instrumental (vocalless) version of this song from his brain. he is said to have high IQ.
Combined with proof 1, if both are valid, he must be a okadaian otaku with high IQ; otherwise, if either one is wrong, he bears okadaian character but not neccessarily otakus.
>老實說我才不會這樣做, 上述的作品我有看,但無興趣詳細研究下去, 我說過動畫本身只是我「娛樂」一種, 我有興趣知, 但無興趣研究, 當某一日「娛樂」也有負擔的話, 我會跳過完全不看的, 反正其他好東西多的是, 開工看書看戲打機時間點樣子也不夠分, 要分析的留給那些otaku吧, 我不是otaku,又忙到pk, 留番給閣下好了。
Thank you for your suggestion (ironically). Then I can separate anime fans and otakus by a discriminant: anime fantasy. Anime fantasy exist in normal anime fans who always treat anime as entertainment while otakus study them for practical use such as cultural studies thesis. Work hard! (For you, you are not doing paper works so you can enjoy anime without bearing any of the "responsiblities".
> 不要什麼都叫otaku吧…. 明明有「樂迷」你可以叫的
again, a otaku will not treat music as a form of anime fantasy, nor entertainment. It is because once they conceive their own music, they starts to concentrate on musical studies (NOT enjoying music ALONE). So they get specialized. According to my theory, NOT okada's theory that any specialist who have the spirit of study and introspection, they are striving for improvement (NOT 表現慾) and thus are otakus.
> 之前講了不下數次, 你的otaku定義和大家一般認知的有出入, 有能力的對這個印象不佳的字不會對號入座, 無能力的對內容不明不會加入討論, 到頭來兩邊都吃力不討好。
Really? I don't believe so. When I have the power of authority in Journalism, I can rewrite the definition of otakus by simply publishing articles via TIME, etc. So don't be pessimistic although otaku "is none of your business" (really? I don't know!).
delete the word "that" and add a comma in the following sentence:
According to my theory, NOT okada's theory that any specialist who have the spirit of study and introspection, they are striving for improvement (NOT 表現慾) and thus are otakus.
> 如果佢係文學鉅著, 就有所謂政治正確, 日本和香港都是自由社會, 這種擺明是娛樂的作品, 就不用什麼政治正確啦, 下下子這樣想,太沉重了~
I have a habit: trying my best to trick others so as to make myself difficult to understand. This ensure that I will not be attacked by feminism and thus I am treated as an otaku who have bad luck with girls XD
Otakus, in my sense, like critical analysis. (Okada is a bit lazy) That's why I treat them (for okadaian ones) as having high IQs. Critical analysis without bound have long been a game among scholars which they enjoy it. For me, even more doremotional problems can be conveived to train my mind so that I die hard:
1. What is the real meaning of hentai anime in microeconomics in terms of its etymology
(trick: hentai = preference change, NOT ecchi)
2. Propose a mechanism of anime teaching
(trick: you have to write a real subject syllabuse for HKEAA!)
By continuous thinking of such, generating topics for discussion is not a problem for otakus so that their quailty of writing is enhanced.
Neccessary condition;
They must be scholars concentrating on their own studies. If they like you who have to work on paper-otherwise things, then sorry, you will not have enough free time to think critically so that you find it as a burden instead of the norm to a be polific writers.
Here is a annotation of otaku:
Source: http://www.cuhkacs.org/~syaoran/blog/read.php?58
What do you think?
to doraemonserv
閣下對otaku定義的執著, 令人欣佩, 如果跟著做修成正果更是人間美事, 但恕我直言, 花時間為otaku正名只是吃力不討好:
看畢留言, 對otaku的建解也是建基於:「According to my theory」這四個英文字, 我愚昧地問, 一你有什麼資格, 二是建基什麼理論說你的理論比大眾誤解更正統呢?
無….只是循環論証罷了, otaku原本只是指動畫同好者, 直至第二代岡田出現, 但他的理論也受普編質疑的同時, 你有甚麼可以支持你的解說正統性?
或者這是個提示, 對一個族群的正面評價, 是要看他們做了什麼講了什麼, 而不是看他為自己定義了什麼。
若然要otaku有正面形像的, 猛說外界誤解根本是捉錯用神, 花時間寫多點對動畫如何貢獻社會的文章吧, 正名的, 跟本不用解釋, 因為不証自明嘛。
> 你有什麼資格, 二是建基什麼理論說你的理論比大眾誤解更正統呢?
1. I am a blogger in mysinablog. They will collect valuable blogs every year and publish to others. After then, I will have enough identity to influence others.
2. Orthodox Sociology and Psychology. Currently there is no thesis about otakus in this two fields.
> 無….只是循環論証罷了
Wrong. The proofs regarding IQs has its scientifc basis. Although I haven't entered CUHK yet, I will try my endeavor to promote the positive images of otakus in action.
> 但他的理論也受普編質疑的同時, 你有甚麼可以支持你的解說正統性?
Okada does not explain his theory and reinvent it using any orthodox subjects such as sociology. Apart from sociology, idiography such as 易經 (Chinese confucianism) also helps to support my theory.
> 或者這是個提示, 對一個族群的正面評價, 是要看他們做了什麼講了什麼, 而不是看他為自己定義了什麼。
Yes. A genius has his calling not due to his alleging as clever, but praised by others. Similarly, only by practice can otkus' positive images be built.
> 哦…當開山祖師都說otaku己變質的時候…一眾信眾還可以說什麼?
你的志氣令人欣賞, 或者真的有機會上到times講到otaku那就太好..如果有機會的話~
I haven't subscribe to TIME yet. Yet I can write to south Chine Morning post or even The Hong Kong Economics Times.
When okada say that otakus are denatured, what okadaian otaku can do is to believe in themselves and try to be independent of okada's theory, 自成一家. By this the values of otakus can be kept in vast variery.
> 同樣, 如果otaku的定義有問題, [b]我採用的是狹義otaku[/b]的話, 那之後的介釋便沒有任何意義..
If so, that is your [b]fault[/b] because you insist in your stereotypical partiality like the naive contributers of wikipedia otaku pages. A critical thinking person should be embracing different views instead of withholding monotonic set of values.
> 你如何令到你的otaku定義比社會甚至wiki上講的更有普編性和權威性呢? 兩者皆無的話, 只是賣花讚花香…
Holding a compaign in miniforum, then appiedaliy will follow suit to report so.
Or write article to the editors of the newspaper such as mingpao 論壇 section.
By the way, my theory is still compiling. So after the compiling the popularity should begin.
> 但我問題是:我正是在challenge你的正統性喔…直至現在你都未答, 岡田佢自己都給人在challenge喔。另點解我要覺得你那一套比大眾講的一套更正統呢? .講不掂這一點, 你之後的解釋都只是一堆未經認受的學說~~朋友~不要再來according to my theory這一套喔~我就是唔buy的~
Then p l e a s e pay heed to Ben Ng's blog. I will post 4 articles about technical analysis and animes wth otakuism in his blog. My theory may not be 正統 but 偏門 (since even social science have many branch and mathematics exist non-Eculidean gemoetry due to biased perspective . But I will try my best to make it popular. The essence of my theory is not orthodoxy, but diversity of vew.
Proofead: gemoetry==> geometry
By the way, allow me to disssect Okada's theory further by elaboration:
What special skill they have?
They have basic academic researches skills
They have the following skills as well:
1. Resistivity of feminism and love-capitalism
2. Introspection
3. Critical Analysis (i.e. posting doremotional questions)
4. Good command of Langugage (esp. English)
How do they achieve so?
1. Use BT frequently
2. Use WinMX frequently
3. Visit official site and doujin site frequently
4. Have a habit of collection
5. Striving to improvement
6. Read intensively (within Anime)
7. Read extensively (beyond anime, eg: sociology)
Furthermore ,there is a japaense test for the degree of otakus: bom-ba-ye.com/c.cgi?tcopuranai=1
What do you think of the following article?
> 其實為研究而研究本身並不是問題,但把這些做這些研究>人做的偽科學「神格化」卻是個大問題。
There otakus are defying okada's principle. Otakus are to produce objective and scientific technical writings such as report, thesis, proposal, news article, expository essays, description, NOT merely producing subjective critics which debate on the setting. Note that summarization and inference of anime setting obey the principle of critical thinking and thus they are acting real scientic thinking. Only ones who are acting self-fuifillment prophecy and ojogologistics (串嘴+ 虛飾) are acting 虛偽科學 (hypocritical science). A otakus hate hypocrisy, those otakus who are acting
偽科學 should no longer be otakus anymore. So real otakus are NOT acting 偽科學. People who are acting 偽科學 are fond of cultural hegemony (monopoly) which otakus hates. Otakus perfer diversity rather than monotonic-set of values. Otakus have critical thinking and seek truth based on research, NOT assumption.
As to what eliein小姐 has said (i.e. what you have quoted):
Lam's family are prestigious in the field of social science (me too). In fact, otakus from all walk of lifes do not have only 1 命題來做研究. i.e. If they treat animation as culture rather than entertainment, then cultural heritage and anime teaching emerge out of and to the general public's mind. For me, as a okadaian otaku as well as a freshman sociologist, I find many issues (命題) in animes:
1. Rozen Maiden: Darwinism, hikikorori, feminism, gothic lolita, Rococo, TBS
2. Comet-san: 橫山光輝, 鐮倉, ballet, 豐收祭, 九重佑三子
3. Ojamajo Doremi: babysitting, world peace, free will, ghosts, sex education
[b]Many of the issues involves the harsh reality problems so they are no longer entertainment but culture.[/b]
hikikorori=> hikikomori
> 「霸道的終焉」就是不要為無謂的名號而糾纏下去,有關otaku的討論就停在這兒好了,倒不如做些實質工作吧。
of course. I am typing a article called 再論動畫的技術分析(1): 文本分析篇, here is some excerpt:
在動畫的技術分析大綱 一文中論及的樣本分析、流程分析和意識型態運用皆需要文本分析,即解讀各種文本並抽取重要資訊,並且把歸納所得加以推演,把其變成技術分析文本[附一]。其文在開頭說:「如何對萌系動畫作技術分析?」答案是要先進行文本分析。可是,許多時候要解讀的文本大多是基本分析文本[附二],要把其思想感情抽離可不是一件易事,但對於岡田派御宅族來說卻是日常工夫。本文作者身為岡田派御宅族,將分亨動畫的文本分析的一點心得。
如何通識地分析文本--議題探索方式 (Issue-inquiry approach)
1. 樣本分析──小魔女 Doremi[附三] 的專題介紹
a.小魔女 Doremi的製作班底涉及小學校長,跟其健康的主題有甚麼關係?
b.小魔女 Doremi的歌曲變化如何特別?
c.小魔女 Doremi為何要分四輯不同畫風?
d.OVA 是甚麼?
2.流程分析──Gal (「後宮型」) 動畫的流程 (flow)
a.製作流程分析:Gal 的情節要如何出眾?
b.方向流程分析:Gal 情節的表達時序要如何才恰當?
c.意識型態流程分析:Gal 情節需不需要顧及政治正確的價值觀?
3. 意識型態運用──御宅主義 (otakuism)[附四]
d.岡田斗司夫的御宅族理論如何衍生(derivative)像 doraemonserv 的臨界思考者(critical thinkers--見臨界分析)?
就著議題訂出資料搜集大綱後,只需從文本抽取有關資料,然後使用任何一種技術分析文本(例如報告、專題介紹、新聞犒、論文、建議書等等)表達其project 即可。在日本,這種方法許多動畫化project (例如音樂小彗星[附五]和薔薇少女[附六])皆有採用,只是分析結果的表達方式有異(符號 symbol),需要御宅族等評論媒介以文字解構(reinvent)動畫中各項符號
What do you think?
[附一] 技術分析文本:泛指見解能獨立成家的客觀性文章
[附二] 基本分析文本:泛指引述他人見解的主觀性文章
[附三] 小魔女 Doremi :作者在正式的動漫畫理論中 (尚未公開,連結見此)(Syllabuse A Chapter 22)動畫的主線樣本分析共有13個:
1.多拉 A夢(一般性動畫)
2.小魔女 Doremi(分化性動畫)
10.翼之奇幻旅程/Tsubasa 翼(分化性動畫)
小魔女 Doremi 曾在香港教育學院在一次講座中被播映作為動畫教學的藍本,可見其教育性意義之大。小魔女 Doremi的相關議題包括:
4. 世界和平
5. 魔法VS自由意志
[附四] 御宅主義:由 doraemonserv 創立的一門御宅現象的社會科學研究,又為新一派岡田式御宅正名。內容探討新一代御宅族與儒家自省精神、日本職人精神和研究精神的關係。它也是文化創造產業理論。
[附五] 音樂小彗星:動畫的主線樣本分析第5個;相關議題包括:
1.橫山光輝(Mitsuteru Yokoyama)漫畫史
5.九重佑三子(Yumiko Kokonoe)
[附六] 薔薇少女:動畫的主線樣本分析第13個;相關議題包括:
1. 女權主義(feminism) (見 Format ACG: 重視女權的萌動畫–解構《Rozen Maiden》)
2. 哥德羅莉 (Gothic Lolita)
3. 隱閉青年(hikikomori)
4. 洛可可精神(Rococo) (from 下妻物語)
5. 達爾文主義 (Darwinism)
I have made HKEAA-styled test for understanding of okadaian otakus at http://doraemonserv.mysinablog.com/. You may try and report your mark and grade here. Ask questions if you encounter any difficulties in answering each question.
Note: I have coined many words here! Try your best to guess their meaning!
sorry, the correct url should be doraemonserv.googlepages.com/2112_ce_a_P2.html
Have your read 曖昧的日本人? In the book it states that Japanese does not allow the existence of indivuals due to monotonous unity. That means pluralistic otakus as a indivualism scholars (eg: they treat H anime as pure art instead of immoral thing) cannot ideologically survive in Japan. In contrast, Hong Kong has no restriction of beliefs so loca otakus including me is liberal without being persecuted.
loca==> local
read my articles to Ben Ng and give some comments!